Franklin Office
2921 S 5th Court
P.O. Box 70607
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 761-3868
Fax: (414) 761-3591
Tomah Office
1023 Townline Road
Tomah, WI 54660
Phone: (608) 374-3770
Educational Projects
Exterior Stair Replacement Project at Central Service Administration Bldg.
Owner: Milwaukee Public Schools
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: Milwaukee Public Schools
Sports & Activity Center – Student Fitness Remodeling / UW Parkside
Owner: State of Wis, DOA, DFS Project # 11D2H/ Cont#16742
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Fitness Center Remodeling
MATC/DMC Main Building North Light court Window Replacement & Façade Improvements: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: MATC
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Replacement & Façade Improvements
Anna Doerfler School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: BMR Design Group
2-story, 6-room addition with new mechanical room. Exterior consists of concrete walls with brick veneer and an accent band of pre-cast to match existing building. Platt Construction, Inc. self-performed all concrete footing, foundations, demolition and finish carpentry.
Lancaster School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: Tavavez Architects & Assoc.
7,952 square foot additions with 1,137 square foot remodeling of existing school. The exterior consisted of concrete walls with brick veneer to match existing building. Platt Construction, Inc. performed the concrete, demolition, and carpentry work.
Jerstad-Agerholm Elementary School: Racine, WI
Owner: Racine Unified School District
Prime Contractor: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: IBC Engineering Services, Inc.
Replace existing windows.
Henry Longfellow Elem. School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime Contractor: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: Eppstein Uhen
All concrete and carpentry work for this $5,260.000 project. We are also responsible to monitor the Coin Program as well as the Student Participation on this project.
Kluge Elem. School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime Contractor: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: American Design Inc.
General contractor for the addition of 4 classrooms and remodeling of adjoining space.
Robert M. Lafollette School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime Contractor: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: BMR Design Group, Inc.
Platt Construction, Inc. was the general contractor for the addition of a new gymnasium to the school.
Curtin Hall/Classrooms – UWM: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: State of Wisconsin
Prime Contractor: Platt Construction, Inc.
Architect: Continuum Architects & Planners S.C.
Work consists of renovation of University building space. 5200 sf of existing space will be renovated to create a 150-seat general assignment lecture hall and simultaneous facility. In addition a new computer lab/classroom/editing room will be constructed.
Martin Luther King Jr. School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime Contractor: JH Findorff
Architect: American Design, Inc.
28,000 sf. classroom addition with remodeling work in existing school. Building consists of masonry and structural steel and is brick cald with metal panel accents. Addition consists of classrooms, gymnasium, library and offices
Platt Contract work includes project engineer, project superintendent, general conditions, HUB coordination, COIN coordination, student workforce and education, jobsite security, cast in place concrete, carpentry, and drywall.
35th Street Elementary School: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime Contractor: J.H.Findorff
Architect: Barriento Design & Consulting, LLC
29,000 sf. Addition with two (2) stories and ground floor and 4,200 sf remodeling of existing school. Addition is masonry and steel bearing with precast concrete plank. Exterior cladding is brick. Platt contract work includes underpinning, drywall, jobsite security, general conditions, project engineer, HUB coordination, COIN coordination, student workforce and education.
Greenfield School
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
New Building Addition
Mitchell Elementary School 1728 S. 23rd Street Milw.
Owner: Milwaukee Public School
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Renovation & Addition