Franklin Office
2921 S 5th Court
P.O. Box 70607
Milwaukee, WI 53207
Phone: (414) 761-3868
Fax: (414) 761-3591
Tomah Office
1023 Townline Road
Tomah, WI 54660
Phone: (608) 374-3770
Healthcare Projects
Construct Recreation Therapy Building # 676-323 # VA69D-14-B-0479: Tomah, WI
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
Architect: Department of Veterans Affairs
Construct Recreation Therapy Building VA Tomah
111 Upgrade HVAC AC2 @ clement J. Zablocki VAMV: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: VA Medical Center Milwaukee
Provide Labor & Material Supervision construction service & technical expertise. Replace existing air handling unit AC-2 w/ system capable for current codes & load requirements
SCI Connecting Corridor: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Dept of Veterans Affairs #V690-C-1398
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Interior Renovation
111 Expand 11R Radiation Oncology at Clement VA Medical Mil.
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Consolidate Library & Construct Conference Room
Owner: Department of Veterans Affairs VA69D-12-1202
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc
Remodel Library & Conference Room
Install HVAC Building B 401: Tomah, WI
Owner: VA Milwaukee #VA69D-RA-1441
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Renovation of the Building
Replace Medical Gas Station: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: VA Milwaukee # VA690-RA-1442
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Renovation 1st floor B404 MH Clinic @ VA: Tomah, WI
Owner: Department of Veterans #VA69D-RA-1387
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
CT Scan – Site Prep: Tomah, WI
Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.
Architect: HSR Associates
Two story steel frame, masonry addition, cast-in-place concrete, metal framing, gypsum board, interior finishes, x-ray protection, mechanical and electrical work.
Install Pneumatic Tube System: Tomah, WI
Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Install Pneumatic Tube system at the Tomah VA Hospital
Remodel Physical & Rehabilitaiton Services: Tomah, WI
Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Work included interior demolition of concrete, walls, metal framed walls, windows, finishes, plumbing, hot water and forced air heating systems, lighting and power & communication systems. The remodeled area included new reception waiting area, exam rooms, treatment rooms, offices and mechanical spaces. The work was accomplished in 3-phases to allow the space to be occupied during construction.
Site Prep for Radiology Equipment: Tomah, WI
Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Demolition of existing wall, ceilings, flooring and base light fixtures/ wiring/ switches, and HVAC system work.
Relocate out Patient Pharmacy: Tomah, WI
Owner: VA
Prime: Platt Construction V69DC-0725
Concrete Pavement
Pharmacy IV Room: Milwaukee, WI
Owner: Dept. of Veterans Affairs
Prime: Platt Construction, Inc.
Construction of a new Chemotherapy Pharmacy IV room.